Nutritional Therapy ⋆ Frances Baker Nutrition ⋆ Optimum Health ⋆ Wellness ⋆ Diet

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Why Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy can be used to help achieve optimum health and wellness, by addressing nutritional imbalances and deficiencies that can affect the normal functioning of the body’s systems.

Left for long enough, nutritional deficiencies can lead to disease, as the body is starved of the raw materials it requires to function normally. Unlike conventional medicine, Nutritional Therapy can be used to help prevent illness as well as to help the body regain health once illness has struck. It can work alongside conventional medicine, if necessary, to help support clients back to health.

Nutritional therapists look at the whole person rather than just symptoms in isolation, viewing wellness in terms of the physical, mental and spiritual balance of a person—all of which may contribute to their state of health. Consultations involve taking details of the client’s health history and diet, as well as spending time discussing the functioning of body systems such as digestion, nervous system, respiratory system to understand what is happening in the body.

If necessary, tests can probe even further – using either GP tests or specific nutrition tests available from a private laboratory to pinpoint what might be the underlying cause of illness. By addressing the root causes of the symptoms, we aim to restore balance and health.

Nutritional Therapy is useful for anyone seeking to:

Address specific symptoms or health concerns.

Implement preventative health measures.

Gain support and motivation towards starting a new healthy regime.

Develop a programme towards losing or gaining weight

Maximise sports performance

Some of the most common complaints I am presented with include:

  • Digestive discomfort or disorders
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Mood imbalances
  • Hormonal imbalance and thyroid disorders
  • Allergies and intolerances
  • Yeast overgrowth
  • ADHD and hyperactivity
  • PCOS
  • Inflammatory conditions

  • Musculoskeletal symptoms
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Skin complaints
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Preconception care, fertility and pregnancy
  • High cholesterol
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Low immunity
  • Migraines